28 April 2008


The idea behind the conference is to follow Jesus wherever He goes--giving up attachment to stuff and people and places, and trusting Him for shelter and provision. It doesn't mean sell all and be homeless and unemployed (for most people); it means living with eyes and ears on Him, ready to go anywhere at anytime, and do anything that He may ask.

I'm in the baby stages of learning how to live like that. It's difficult, and it's a process, and it probably looks like the most horrible way to live if you haven't been there. But trials produce perseverance and character and ultimately a hope that is guaranteed to be fulfilled (Romans 5:3-5). And it's the most wonderful thing to be sure of nothing but that you're in absolutely trustworthy hands. It's living eternally instead of temporally. It's not knowing where you're going, but trusting your Leader with everything you have. It's acting from deep passion and conviction, not from responsibility or others' expectations.

He is so good, and faithful, and just, and holy, and full of love and tenderness and fire.

1 comment:

Amber said...

I can't wait to hear about it. Another blogger wrote about it, too - barefoot bohemian, in my bloglines - said it was super cold and wet.