26 April 2009

no not one

There's not a friend like the lowly Jesus. It's wonderful to know that solitude doesn't have to be lonely. How often i live there in spite of this, believing the lie that one more thing will allow me to truly rejoice--companion, possession, situation, attitude, accomplishment, adventure--when, truly, these things will be added when i'm not seeking them, but the Kingdom. I feel so dense that this comes alive to me just now, when i've been reciting Matthew 6:33 and expounding upon this principle for many years. But isn't that the point of life: to go on learning and toiling and discovering? And that keeps us humble and mutually teachable if we're willing. There is no human being alive who does not have more to learn--if only we would look at each face we encounter through that lens!

Speaking of learning, i have to have an opinion about who is to blame for the Holocaust within the next two hours (one reason why i'm writing here instead of the Word document that's right behind). I don't want to talk about it, i want to weep about it! I want to weep and weep. I'm not good at weeping. My heart gets detatched sometimes--many times that i wish it was pained enough for tears to flow. Most of my sadness is selfish and vain.

But for now, the beginning of the last week of the last semester of Junior year. All shall be well, and all shall be well, and all manner of thing shall be well.