23 April 2008

get out the way, Old Dan Tucker

This weekend is the Nomads conference in OKC. I'm glad, because i am a nomad. And i'm so much more ready for it this year than i was last year (it was in the middle of a crazy calculus/greek/art/french/philosophy semester, not a rolling Springtime non-fanatically-busy life).

I've learned several things recently:
  • I REALLY love folk music.
  • Seeing the inside of people means you have to go through the outside of them. Sometimes the inside is scarier than the outside.
  • Things like rock climbing, or running or biking or hiking or etc., are still beneficial if you do them only once a week! i thought somehow that if you don't do something at least two or three times a week, it has no effect on your body. But it does.
  • Listening and obeying is much better than hearing and rationalizing. *Note: this lesson has been being learned (ooh! did i just make a perfect imperfect? or a perfect passive participle?) for my entire life, and i will probably still be learning (future participial imperfect? what?) it all my life.
Well, have a great weekend. I'll probably letcha know how it went.

AND you've been wating for this:

..You're too late to get chur supper!!

1 comment:

Veronica said...

I recently discovered that I REALLY love folk music too! Two peas in a pod, just seperated at harvest!