30 March 2009

human things: independence and tragedy

Rigoberta Menchu won the 1992 Nobel Peace Prize because she lived with her eyes open and then did something about it.

Sometimes, when we least expect it, we are given the freedom we've been waiting for.

i didn't realize how important it was to hear affirming words from people in authority over me. The turning point to my week--and probably to my semester--was my professor's "you are a good student" and "you're motivated," because i didn't think i was. Not truly in my bones i didn't. But now i know, and everything that was a struggle before--just stuff like studying and getting homework done--is so much easier now.

The other day i put my three herb-sprouted pots outside before the overnight rain. When i looked out the window after business of a day, the realization hit--there were only two in that cardboard on that rail. i ran down the deck stairs and to the ruins of basil-dirt.. the pot was intact, but i had no idea where the baby seeds were. i didn't hold back tears because i wasn't crying but i felt like i should. It was one of those moments where the depravity of the world, of accidental mishap that has life-quenching consequences, created a beautiful sorrow in me like tragedy in real life. I know it was just a few seeds, but doesn't everything feel that way that isn't how it Should be?

Rainy days make me a little bit tragic and a lot pensive. Sunny days make me joyful with a hint of longing. It seems that most people i talk to are affected by the weather in some pattern like that.

Days come and go and keep coming and going. There's an unknown number of them.

Adding to the list:
-the need to be affirmed
-mood changes based on weather
-finity of life

1 comment:

alyssa said...

Ohmelody! I LOVE it when you write! Your thoughts make me want to fling my fingers and declare [declaire?!] So True! Especially the ones about humanity....