02 February 2009

superman. banana.

Tony Horton's voice resonates from every room in my house. Echoes of his revved-up exhortations to Get Busy are infiltrating the brains of my roommates. We're all doing P90X--those workout videos from infomercials, you know. It's great exercise, but i have the feeling that we will all want to kill Tony long before 90 days are over.

I'm starting to realize the imbalance between my talking and not-talking. Many times i keep something silent that is burning to come out of my mouth. i should know that it's okay for me to say stuff. Not talking makes people think i have deep and wise insight to contribute when i really don't, i just don't like hearing the sound of my own voice. I would hate to become a say-lots-of-random-words-foolishly person, but is that just pride? I should pray about this. Also i am not quick at thinking on my toes, and often what i want to say becomes formulated minutes after the opportunity passes. (See? This argument is one of the main reasons i don't talk or don't say completely what i mean, and it only came after all the rest of that fluff. My point exactly.)

I'm bad at concluding blog posts.

1 comment:

Sus said...

melody, i'm the same - not doing P90X unfortunately, but the same in not talking in meetings and such. by the time i've figured out what i think about say, summer camps, and sorted out a clear way to say it, everyone is two points down the agenda to, say, getting a new fridge for the break room. at which point i excuse myself, get up and go to the restroom :)