06 October 2008

i'm It: 7 random things

Thank Amber for this nonsense.

1. The high school AP Stat student in me is uncomfortable with this use of "random." There is no way to make any of these seven things about myself be equally probable to be listed out of ALL the stuff about me that there is (assuming that all the stuff about me is quantitative). I will proceed under the assumption that "random" here means "nonchalantly chosen."

2. I just looked that up to make sure i had a point, and am reassured to know that the equal-chance definition applies only to Statistics, and that in everyday usage "random" means "chosen without method or conscious decision" (Mac dictionary). Procedimus.

3. Listing is one of the activities that i enjoy. Last week i made a list of lists i would like to make. I also have started a list of "human things," things that we all have in common.

4. My deepest irrational fear is that fish will bite off (or just nibble at--ugggghhh) my toes whenever i'm in geological bodies of water.

5. One of my most melodramatic internal dilemmas (which you are familiar with if you've been a faithful frequenter of this blog) is my reckless love for the ocean and all things maritime, especially adventures therein, thereof, or therabouts, and yet my deep detest for any (ostensibly) edible thing that comes from it.

6. An endeavor that i have considered untertaking is writing an alliterative dictionary. Maybe there aren't enough words in the English language to make that a real possibility.

7. My favorite thing to do in ballet class (among many wonderful things) is pique to the 5th.

Hate to be a wet blanket, but i don't know enough people who blog for fun to perpetuate this tagging business. I think Susie should start a blog. Then i would tag her.


Amber said...

Yes! Susie should start a blog.

I love your list about humanness. Please share it with me when you're finished.

I wonder if all humans can't help but look in a mirror if he or she passes one knowingly. What do you think?

Veronica said...

I hope to one day become as skilled of a writer as you. You should write a book about your life adventures:)

Sus said...

As a nonblogger I have no right to make this request...but i'm ready for a new post from Melody Gerke. This one is awesome, and (supposedly) you have other stuff of an academic nature vying for your time, but still. I'm ready.