27 July 2008

ninjas don't attend weddings

(My weak attempt at weekly. No guarantees.)

On Thursday morning some friends and i decided to have the traditional (but still incredibly tasty) muffin at the Little Bread Co. and then stroll about the Farmer's Market--a typical but wonderful summer habit of our'n. As we settled into our outdoor booth (who is a huge fan of the little outside wonderland of garden dining right beside the LBC!?), a small boy of Peter Pan-ish expression popped out from the back Secret Hideout area, and joined our breakfast party.

Of the many learned topics we discussed, which included several games and performances on his part, one of note was his undecided future career. "Well," he said decidedly, "I have six choices." He proceeded to name them, and i'm pretty sure singer, drummer, game-maker, baker, and author were among them. He then sang a song (very impressively, i must add), exhorted us to attend his Hawaii Party, and had us guess the name of a series of books he was reading. The titles all had the same pattern: [pl. noun, usu. fantastical character] Don't [verb] [direct object].

This kid is 6 years old. (His parents own the bakery or something; he was being watched over.) It was the most entertaining breakfast any of us had ever experienced.


melody said...

about the weekly: sometimes i feel like a post needs to sit for a while, and be, and be read. but i know of about 3 people who read this blog at all, and maybe if i posted more, it would be read more.

and if i don't feel like i have time to write now, in the summer, when i'm "not doing anything," how much more when the semester starts?

and how do words on a small college student's blog change the world?

who has time for consistent blogs anyway?

there are six billion people in the world.

i don't want to be pretentious. i want to write well. and i want to change the world. i don't know if writing is the avenue for me.

Seth said...

Changing the world is an ancillary benefit to the life we live.

Live out loud, write out loud, and see what happens.

Sus said...

i'm a fan of the lbc porch - especially when the booth closest to block street is overgrown so much that you have to move to the other one or else have breakfast in the jungle. that little guy is a trip! once he intructed everyone sitting outside to draw puppets on the paper sacks he'd handed out, saying "we're drawing animals today - not people."

melody said...

seth - thank you. (your vocabulary is roborant.) that comment happened when i was in a slumpy mood. i will write. i'm wrestling with things right now. and that makes good writing, i find.

sus - okay. you are the hardest person in the world to internet-stalk! but you are already my absolute shero from what amber says about you. can we be best friends, please? let's start with an LBC muffin or two.

Sus said...

you can stalk me on facebook :) - a friend request is in the mail to you. and yes, let's. let's be friends, let's eat muffins.

Brooke said...

Oo! Oo! Invite me!!!

I will never be sad again. Thanks for the sustained metaphor compliment.